Remote Theatre

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It's a common convention in the theatre to have different sections of the stage representing different contexts, with different events unfolding. In remote theatre, because the stage is essentially 2 dimensional this doesn't work so well. However, we do have the option of using multiple webcams in different locations, each with one or more actors, and this can also be very powerful. The actors could be interacting with the audience or with each other (but still preferably looking forwards). They could even pass things to each other and the effect of this can be very engaging and comical. In 'Lemon and Mint', a play about international cooperation, a lemon farmer passes a lemon through the screen to a mint farmer and the result is that they create a new drink together - lemon and mint!

It is more aesthetically pleasing if the number of webcams visible is 2, 4, 6 or 9 etc so that the whole screen comprises a rectangle and there aren't blank spaces. If all the webcams have the same plain background or virtual background image activated (as in the remote nativity play below from a group of teachers in Mexico) this can also be aesthetically very pleasing to the eye.

In fact, having various webcams with everyone performing the same action or a variation of it can also be very pleasing to the eye. Note how the scene below would be more beautiful if everyone had the same background.